Group Swing Dance Classes

Group Swing Dance Classes

Let's get together and learn how to swing dance.  We've got group lessons for all different levels of experience, and they are an affordable way to learn something new while getting together with friends or meeting some new faces.  Check out the group lessons we have to offer!

West Coast Swing Basics

Beginners start here!  Whether you are brand new to dancing or a seasoned fanatic, our West Coast Swing Basics class covers the fundamentals of dance and introduces you to the basic patterns of West Coast Swing.  We start from the ground up and build a foundation so you have the skills needed to West Coast Swing dance with anyone.  This class is ideal as an introductory course and will get you prepared for our upper level classes.

Class Schedule

Friday, January 24th, 2025, 8:00pm

Good Vibes Dance Studio, 1751 W Alexander St. Salt Lake City, UT 84119

$15/person (includes dance afterwards)


Time to get to class!

Friday, February 28th, 2025, 8:00pm

Good Vibes Dance Studio, 1751 W Alexander St. Salt Lake City, UT 84119

$15/person (includes dance afterwards)

Friday, March 21st, 2025, 8:00pm

Good Vibes Dance Studio, 1751 W Alexander St. Salt Lake City, UT 84119

$15/person (includes dance afterwards)

Intermediate West Coast Swing

Now that you are familiar with your basics in West Coast Swing, it's time to start venturing out.  Our intermediate classes will build off the basics and add variety.  We'll introduce new skills and tools to change things up for a more dynamic dance.

Class Schedule

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025, 7:00pm

Good Vibes Dance Studio, 1751 W Alexander St. Salt Lake City, UT 84119



Time to get to class!


Westie Kim covers various topics from patterns and footwork to musicality and showmanship.  We'll be focusing in on a specific skill and focusing our energy into perfecting that skill to level up your dancing.  Workshops are great for taking a deep dive into the topics that make us love West Coast Swing so much.

Class Schedule

To be announced

Kim dancing with partner in Strictly Swing competition
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